Smart without Slum: The case of Quelimane
Currently, 55% of the world's population resides in urban areas, a figure projected to reach 68% by 2050. As urbanization continues and the global population grows, an additional 2.5 billion people are expected to inhabit urban areas by 2050. Notably, approximately 90% of this increase is anticipated to occur in Asia and Africa, according to recent United Nations data from May 2018.
SMART without SLUM focuses on addressing the challenges faced by medium-sized cities, particularly in Africa, an area often overlooked in urban development initiatives. Utilizing the IMM methodology, this project takes an integrated approach to studying cities as complex adaptive systems, with the city of Quelimane serving as a case study.
The study is structured around five themes derived from the integration of IMM (Integrated Modification Methodology) and the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). These themes guide the development of prototype projects aimed at addressing key focus areas within the city.